Another topic I would like to update.  Seriously, what does a guy want and life?  Do you know?  After all the years and knowing what I know I came to this conclusion.  Men want it all and want it now.  Most of all they want to feel wanted, but then again everyone wants to feel wanted.  

My advice to escorts is to ask questions and listen.  See what the man wants and needs.  He might be shy or nervous to answer, so help him a long.  Asking questions is a great way to lighten up the mood and relax your client.  Also a fun way to learn something new.

In conclusion it always comes down the same thing every time… communication.  I’m sure you don’t read minds and I know for a fact men DON’T.  So ask questions, listen, talk about what you like and be as clear as possible.  Your clients will appreciate the communication and I know you will.