This is for everyone, not just escorts.  This one is about life in general.  As you live you life and do your work, you need to think about the big picture of life.  I have these 5 rules that I live by and want to share.

  1. Have a plan – Make some sort of plan for your business and life.  A goal with a plan is a wish!  Never forget everything in life is temporary, so having plan helps deal with all that life brings you.
  2. Manners – manners do not cost a dime and make life a lot nicer.  Please & thank you go a long way!!  This works great with clients!
  3. Save your money – This is most important!!!  Make sure you save, invest and think about the long term.  Again, nothing last forever and life is difficult.  It’s always good to have an umbrella for a rainy day or a pandemic.
  4. Health is everything – this is the big one.  I mean physical, emotional, mental, financial and sexual health!!  Take care of everything all the time.  Being healthy is the most important part of life!
  5. Have fun – escorting is not easy!  I don’t care what anyone says.  Have fun while doing this.  When it’s not fun, take a break or stop.  You should never feel like you HAVE to do anything.